David Tucker

Brisbane, Australia

I'm a high school dropout making my difference in the world by thinking about everything as a logical process and understanding how those processes best fit to make an overall solution.

I have founded and built 5 companies in the last 20 years - one failed miserably (so long ago I don't even remember the name) and I learned some very valuable lessons, one I keep in my pocket for a rainy day (it has some amazing IP I developed over the years), two I successfully sold to large multi-national companies (iMovie and XtreamLok sold to Village Roadshow and Symantec respectively) and one I'm working on now (Event Zero). I have also recently been thinking about a new concept for extremely large scale big data analysis that may or may not come to something in the future - currently called pratrica.

And in the last few weeks I have developed a new web site in my spare time (like I have any) called lynced.org.

At Event Zero, my time is consumed with solutions that fill needs in the Microsoft Lync market.

I normally spend 16-20 hours a day (most days) working, or as I like to call it playing. I really enjoy what I do which I why I spend so much time doing it. I'm my down time, I love to travel (I've been to more than half of the countries on the planet and in particular I love Africa) and as a hobby I take photos.

I encourage you to check out my LinkedIn profile for more information.

Oh, and the photo here was taken 2 years ago from a hot air balloon over the NanibRand Nature Reserve in Namibia.

  • Work
    • Event Zero