David Wechsler

St. Louis, MO

By day I work in the field of systems engineering. I get to combine my interests in systems thinking, engineering, data science / machine learning and product design/test together and have lots of fun learning and making stuff.

On the side, I'm the founder of ElectricFertilizer.com, a startup devoted to promoting beneficial plant growth through the use of various technologies ranging from electrical stimulation to other energy-based methods. As I started learning more about the technological underpinnings behind electroculture (aka electro-horticulture), I started to get excited about the range of applications that are possible - from healing diseased plants, to drought protection, and cleansing soils and waterways of toxic wastes. Cool stuff.

I presently reside in St. Louis, MO and enjoy spending time with my family, friends and community. My interests include skiing, skating, alternative currency systems, connecting with others, entrepreneurism, permaculture, sustainability, non-violent communication, subtle energy, qigong / energy healing, and more... I'm a curious guy so the list is always evolving.

Otherwise, I love meeting new people with similar or adjacent interests. Feel free to reach out to me and let me know something interesting about yourself or what we have in common and I would love to hear from you. See ya!