david rossellat


I'm a recoving executive. I spent the better part of the last ten years working at prestigious companies assiduously climbing the corporate ladder.

Then, last year, I decided it was time to go back to my roots and once again return to technology and product innovation.

What better way to do that than working for a startup, or two.

Now a few month in, and I have to say, if you ever want to test your skills, working for an early stage startup is the most effective and brutal way to do so.

You need a prototype to test the voice broacasting capabilities of Twilio? yup, I can do that.

You need a 3 year pro forma model to understand your revenue break-even point, yeah I do that too.

You want to build an ecommerce site for $1000. Yup, I can help with that too (though finding that hungarian whiz kid wasnt easy).

When I'm not busy chasing cheap talent, doing financial forecasts or writing some cool app in python or ruby, I'm out there, enjoying beautiful British Columbia (or Switzerland as the background image can attest)

  • Work
    • Electronic Arts
  • Education
    • SFU eMBA
    • MIS