David Accampo
Los Angeles CA
I founded Habit Forming Films, LLC. with production partner Jeremy Rogers, and together we've won multiple awards for our films. We also created and launched the critically acclaimed audio drama, Wormwood: A Serialized Mystery, and co-authored the comic book series Sparrow & Crowe: The Demoniac of Los Angeles (Hermes Press, 2012).
My new comics series with Chris Anderson is Lost Angels: Paradise High, currently serialized by Comicker Digital.
My prose fiction has appeared in various publications, including Mullholland Books' "Popcorn Fiction" website, the e-zine Grok, and the recent e-book anthology, Weird Winter Stories, as well as its follow-up, Weird Romance—which I also edited.
I co-host of the Fuzzy Typewriter podcast and The Deceptionists, and I contribute to the comics culture website, Panels.net.
I'm also the media producer for SAS Institute's Best Practices team, where I produce video content and design e-books, white papers, and various pieces of marketing collateral.