David W. Andrews

I've done about everything you can do in the apparel manufacturing business from being a spreader, cutter, mechanic up to Vice President Operations and didn't miss a step in the process. University of Texas El Paso and San Antonio where I studied for a Bachelor of Business Administration Accounting all the while working in plants. I've lived in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salador, Puerto Rico and for the last several years in Mexico plus traveling to Asia for consulting jobs. My background covers wovens, knits and denims for major brands either as General Manager of factories, Director of Manufacturing, Director of Quality, Sourcing Manager, Director of Sourcing and Vice President of Operations. Fluent in engineering I have set up engineering departments writing a seminar on engineering I give to this day and rebuilt a quality department. I have written the policies and procedures for operations and quality used company wide and still in effect to this day. I traveled as much as 45 weeks a year for 15 years managing contractors in Latin America and, while not totally bilingual, I certainly speak Spanish.

LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidwandrews1