david cardona
"The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes". -Marcel Proust-
It has been several years sharing the David Cardona`s nOn flAsh tAkEs & fIlms based on F-NFTE concept (Film - Non Flash - Non Tripod - Non Editing) with the most special people around the world. The cinema composition principles and the David Cardona and his special team´s CWM Strategy, based on Long Tail Concept, found the posibilities of art, work, education and friendship on the Media when contents have been well structured preserving the quality, the respect and the love for a global audience. Future is here and it´s now. Thanks a lot for your willingness and support dear ladies and gentlemen. U r thE bEst! :D
cInEmA phOtOgrAphy & cOntEnts dEvElOpmEnt
/ screenlab / cinema photography / direction / smart production / labmedia /