Dawit Yifter

Software Engineer and Architect in Frisco, TX

Dawit Yifter

Software Engineer and Architect in Frisco, TX

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Dawit Yifter has been working for over 18 years as a software developer and is currently employed with Boeing as a Avionics Software Engineer. Dawit is a strong believer that Simple Sofware Is a Perfect Software. A staunch proponent of software / documentation automation in all domain's and a true diciple of Google Search. Dawit enjoys learning new languages to make himself a better and more well–rounded developer 'a la The Pragmatic Programmers' advice to "learn one language per year." When he's not slinging code, Dawit spends as much time as he can with his wife and his two energetic and adorable sons.

  • Work
    • Boeing
  • Education
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Software Engineer
    • Masters Degree