cordova putra

okay, here i am. hi friends, well it's nice to meet you in this world ( digital world ), my name is Cordova Putra Handri Ansyah, you can call me Dova or even "dop" ( if we already known each other for being a good friend ). Well, i was born in Jakarta, 11 June 1996, exactly at Kuningan District in MMC Hospital, Jakarta. Nowadays, i became a teenage and continue my study in Lumajang, a small beautiful city that located in East Java Province, or known as Banana City. My School name? yeah yeah, it's SHS 2 Lumajang. It's the most favourite school in Lumajang - Jember - Malang- Surabaya area, haha :D Okay enough laugh, hehe well now i am in 10th class, it means 1st class in SHS 2 Lumajang. i'm a islam person, so you can say assalammualaikum if you meet me :D okay, now what? oh yeah about my hobby? sure, my hobby is Writing and Designing ( main hobby ) haha and the Sub-hobby? i like watching TV, enjoying some pop music and also reading novels, and swimming for sure :D i like to have THOUSANDS even BILLIONS of good friends around the globe. Why? 'cause i wanna sharing information with my friends around the world, and i wanna have some intresting informations from them too :D Nice to meet 'ya fellas ! :D ~Okay, i think it's more than enough, if you wanna know more about me, you can send me an email : [email protected] or my twitter : @ddoph~