Dean Smith

Solution Architect and First Responder in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Dean Smith

Solution Architect and First Responder in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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When I was at school I was told my handwriting was so bad I should become a doctor. I shrugged and took Biology as an option - then saw a "Recognizer" demo (from Tron) on a TRS-80 microcomputer. That got me hooked on computers, going from a Commodore 64 to an Amiga and then a PC.

I studied computing and started as a programmer. A few job changed later, a few years later, a move to another country, and I'm now a Software Architect.

I never forgot my roots, though. I have been a first aider at work for my entire career, and I have had the honour and privilege of volunteering as a first responder with St. John Ambulance in Alberta as part of their Volunteer First Response Service for over 10 years.