De Primaterra
de Prima Terra, is an exclusive commercial area in the city of Bandung is one of the premium project developed by PT. Cahaya Sumber Rejeki , one of the leading developer in Bandung.
de Prima Terra, consisting of 165 exclusive building that stretches over an area of 20 hectares. Designed with modern architecture, supported by a variety of amenities and is beautifully constructed and located in a flood-free area, the exclusive commercial area de Prima Terra is the right choice to support your business. great for warehouse and office.
Foundations: Piling Ex. PT Beton Elemindo Perkasa (equal)
Poerplate: Reinforced Concrete K: 225
Poerplate Column: Reinforced Concrete K: 225
Sloof: Reinforced Concrete K: 225
Column structure & Span: Steel IWF Ex. Gunung Garuda
Gording: Canal C 125 x 50 x 5 Thickness 2,3
Roof Covering: Zincalume Ex. Blue Scope Steel Indonesia
Thickness 0.40 mm Type 1020
Chamfer Holder: Plate stripe 50 x 5 mm
Chamfer: Zincalume Ex. Blue Scoope Steel Indonesia
Thickness: 0,40 mm
Insulation: Glasswool 1625 Ex. Super Wool, Alumunium Foil 810
Ex. Polyfoil Roof Mesh 3315 - 1,3
Nok Rooftop: Zincalume Tebal 0,40 mm
Drain Pipe: Pipa Ex Maspion AW 4"
Paint: Vinillex (interior), Mowilex (exterior)
Wall: Concrete Bricks Ex Cisangkan (equal)
Production Floor: Reinforced Concrete K: 225 thickness 20 cm
+ Wire Mesh M-6 Full
Vehicle Floor: Reinforced Concrete K: 225 thickness 20 cm
+ Wire Mesh M-8 Full
Waterways / Sewer: Buis concrete Ex Cisangkan 30 cm
To know more about De Primaterra please visit our website.