Diego del Castillo

Lima Perú

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Diego del Castillo Rosas (1974) is a licensed architect form the Universidad Ricardo Palma (Lima, Perú),1999 with master studies in architectural design at Cornell University (NY, USA), 2003. He has taught Design studio at the Universidad Ricardo Palma (2000), Cornell University (2003) and at the Universidad San Martín de Porres (2005-2007). He has also participated as a visiting critic at Cornell University (NY,EEUU) 2003 and at Princeton University (NJ, USA) 2004. From 2003 to 2005, he worked as an architectural designer at Hillier Architecture (NJ, USA) where he developed projects and competitions for more than 1,000,000 sq.ft. In 2005 he established the office “oficina de Arquitectura Urbana” in Lima, Peru, and the investment group “D&R; Grupo Inmobiliario”. His projects have earned several prices (Cornell Journal of Architecture, DDS, 3d allusions) and have placed between winning entries in several national and international competitions (Shinkenchiku-Sha, Arquitectum, Concursos URP 2000, 2001, 2002). His work has been published by several e-news sites of international prestige (Dossier de Arquitectura, PeruArki, Arquitectum,Noticias Arquitectura, Plataforma Arquitectura, Arquinetia, Arqa) and has participated in several national and international exhibitions and forums (Arquifiro, Cornell Lectures 2002, CU Graduate Studio). Currently he is preparing a theoretical–monographic book whose prologue is being written by international critic Fredy Massad. In 2006 oAu merged formally after several collaborations with Duarte Arquitectos forming oAu D-Arq. oAu is the projects, design and research division.

  • Education
    • Cornell University
    • Universidad Ricardo Palma