Dinesh Nair (Charlotte)

Software Architect in Charlotte, North Carolina

Dinesh Nair (Charlotte)

Software Architect in Charlotte, North Carolina

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Employed with Data Says LLC, Dinesh Nair is a software architect based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Dinesh Nair brings 15 years of professional experience in the information technology industry to his position with Data Says LLC, where he is responsible for creating project timelines and roadmaps, establishing IT governance processes, and leading teams to complete the firm’s IT projects.

Prior to his role with Data Says LLC, Dinesh Nair worked as a lead system analyst for Mastek. In this position he was responsible for the day-to-day management of the firm’s technical team. His duties included conducting assessments of employee skill sets and group sizes in order to assemble effective project teams. His position also required him to work in conjunction with business analysts and subject matter experts. In the five years he spent with Mastek, he performed analyses of over 100 systems across many companies while also bringing his projects in on schedule and under budget.

Mr. Nair also spent five years as a software architect for Fintech, where he gained further experience in data analysis, project planning, and risk management.

  • Work
    • Data Says LLC