Donald Firesmith
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - dgf(at)sei(dot)cmu(dot)edu
A Principal Engineer at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), I work in the Client Technical Solutions (CTS)
Software Solutions Division (SSD) of the SEI where I help the US Department of Defense and other Governmental Agencies acquire large complex software-intensive systems. I am an Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Distinguished Engineer. With 37 years of industry experience, I have published seven software and system engineering books in the areas of process, object orientation, system architecture engineering, and testing. I am currently writing a book on engineering safety- and security-related requirements. I have also published dozens of technical articles, spoken at numerous international conferences, and have been the program chair or on the program committee of several conferences. I have taught several hundred courses in industry and numerous tutorials at conferences. I am also the founding chair of the OPEN Process Framework (OPF) Repository organization, which provides the world's largest free open-source website documenting over 1,100 reusable method components.
My seventh book, Common System and Software Testing Pitfalls, was published 20 December 2013 and is available from Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble.
As a hobby, I write fantasy and hand-craft magic wands which I sell on Etsy and via my wand shop's website: