Douglas Reeves

California, United States

A graduate of the University of Southern California and the University of Wyoming, Douglas Reeves balances a busy career as an educational leadership consultant with a commitment to a range of philanthropic and charitable initiatives. Over the years, he has founded and led nonprofit educational organizations such as The New England Veterans Writers Group, an initiative that provides assistance to veterans writing about their military experience. Douglas Reeves also founded Finish the Dissertation!, an organization that offers free support to students completing their doctoral work, and the Zambian Leadership and Learning Institute, which develops education programs in Zambia.

Professionally, Douglas Reeves guides the Creative Leadership Solutions, a Boston-based education organization that he founded in 1994. He has also written dozens of books and articles and delivered numerous presentations. In addition to publishing in journals such as School Administrator and Education Leadership, Dr. Reeves has presented to organizations such as the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the American Association of School Administrators.

An award-winning consultant, Dr. Reeves has been honored with the Brock International Prize in Education and the Contribution to the Field Award from the National Staff Development Council.

  • Work
    • The Leadership And Learning Center
  • Education
    • University of Wyoming