Doyle Clark

Clarksville TN

Hi, I’m Doyle R. Clark II, an editor and blogger at AnonymousGeek, researcher and author at SeekingMoreLight, and the occasional blogger of men’s fashion. AnonymousGeek offers reviews, previews, and how-tos about Comics, Movies, Games, and Tech. On SeekingMoreLight I offer my unique perspective on the history and philosophy of Freemasonry. The story behind AnonymousGeek isn’t complicated, I got together in person with a couple friends and had a couple more virtually present (via text message), and brainstormed our ideas out on to scraps of paper and phones and created the idea of a diverse community of geeks that could get together and share what they love and discover their next great passion. SeekingMoreLight is a much more personal story of a philosophical journey that I’m still on. Being a Freemason is nothing like you see in movies like The DaVinci Code or National Treasure, the experience is one of personal growth and the seeking of knowledge. Having so many “big” thoughts I decided it would be best to get some of those out there and connect with others that might have some input. I have written a few fashion articles giving advice for dressing like a gentleman and ultimately decided that these belonged on their own site, so I made a Tumblr account just for this. The thought process behind dressing nice is a complicated one. It can be too easy sometimes to just go with the flow and wear a t-shirt and jeans, but to really look your best; you should put a little thought into how you present yourself to the world. You wouldn’t want to throw away a first impression if it could change your life.