Dr. Michael Bermant, M.D.

My passion is plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. I specialize in rhinoplasty, ethnic nasal contouring, ears, breasts, liposuction, tummy tuck, belly button umbilicoplasty, and body lift operations. I have an encyclopedic website with many pictures, photographs and movies demonstrating my surgical sculpture. Detailed information about, body contouring for men, otoplasty ear surgery, gynecomastia, breast reduction, breast lift, male chest lift, after weight loss plastic surgery, transsexual, transgender FTM top contouring, and revision options. I enjoy inventing, designing, creating, art, and helping others learn. I mastered desk top publishing to create patient education and documentation. I then went on to the web with my encyclopedic plastic surgery resource. My photography work has developed over decades. I work with video to document the beauty of movement: how things move is critical to the art of the human form. Movies also permit me to record the emotional aspect of deformity and my surgical sculpture. My surgery is an evolution of my creativity. The human body is the ultimate in sculpting media adding an element of healing and patient education to optimize the resulting sculpture. Evolving more comfortable operations is a dynamic aspect that has been very emotionally rewarding. I am a technology and device analyst, designer, adviser, and critic. Knowing and understanding tools has been a passion from my earliest memories. It is part of my wanting to fix what is broken. Knowing how it works and then refining so that it can work better is just part of my makeup.