Dr. Brad Hensley

As a Doctor of Chiropractic my mission and passion is to help people with their overall health and well being. After a horrible car accident in July of 2013 I was introduced to Power Strips, the Power Strips helped me so much I now share them with my patients, family and friends. I also became involved with the company as a Global Team Leader and Independent Distributor. FGXPress Power Strips is a company built on timeless principles . Our parent company Forever Green is 10 years old. We have a product that makes an impact on somebody's life. The power strips help reduce pain and helps the look and feel of skin. I encourge you to take a closer look at this company and the product if you are having pain or are looking to partner with a company to change your financial situation! Time to be very blunt and honest!

All you home based business owners, people struggling in their current business, people that want to start their own business, doctors, chiropractors, athletes, massage therapists, acupuncturists and anyone else that has anything to do with pain or pain management need to read this or pass it to someone they know.

The opportunity YOU have to help people change their lives without asking them to change their habits or anything in their day to day lives to get rid of the pain that they are suffering from on a day to day basis, at a very affordable price is here now! This opportunity to really affect people by helping them and giving them the gift of reduced pain or completely being pain free is in the power strips that I represent

Please contact me if you are serious about building something SPECIAL that is not a gimmick, does not require you to change every habit in your life, or lifestyle. It actually IMPROVES the lives and lifestyles of the people you are helping.