Dr. Max High

Fort Wayne, In

Dr. Max High began his ministry in 1974 and along with his wife, Rebecca, has served U.S. churches in Indiana, Oklahoma, Florida and Maryland. For 20 years, they served as church planters and educators with West Indies Christian Mission, which they founded in 1984. During their time with West Indies Christian Mission, Dr. High served as the executive director, pastor, and teacher while Rebecca served in children's and women’s ministries.

The West Indies Christian Mission team planted 10 New Testament Congregations in the Caribbean located primarily in St. Croix and the Dominican Republic. Dr. High also visited and assisted other missions located in St. Vincent, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Barbados, Puerto Rico, Martinique, St. Kits & Nevis
and Mexico.Dr. High & Rebecca received special recognition for their service to the Virgin Island Seniors in the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo by Governor Alexander Farrelly.

Dr. High has authored two books:
Course Corrections: Biblical Strategies to Win Life's Biggest Battles
Seven Attributes of Healthy Churches: New Testament Principles to Transform, Renew and Revitalize
Your Church Today

Dr. High is a member of The National Christian Speakers network and is an alumni of:
Ozark Christian College
Johnson University
Masters International Divinity School

  • Work
    • Pastor, Missionary
  • Education
    • Ozark Christian College
    • Johnson University
    • Masters International Divinity School