Robert Erickson

Fixer, Traveler, and Photographer in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Read my blog

I fix stuff, lots of different stuff, including home repair, cars, projects, people. I give advice regarding travel, photography, careers, personal development, politics and fashion. OK, not fashion. I'm a truth seeker who believes in both absolute truths, and the truth each of us is in the world. I believe we see the world not as it is, but as we are. I don't care who gets the credit...well, I do care a little bit. I take photographs to capture a moment, an emotion, a feeling, and hold it steady, to study. Every moment is perfect because at that moment it just was. I'm a frequent armchair and all-too-infrequently-real-world adventurer.

DREAM JOB: "Here's a plane ticket - don't open it until you arrive at the airport - and $10,000 (Well, $9,999 because, you know, "Money Laundering"). Be at the airport in 3 hours. Go find stories to tell. See you in a year."

  • Work
    • Focus1440
  • Education
    • University of Utah
    • Utah Valley Un