Dulce Rodrigues


Dulce Rodrigues


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I love children and write especially for them… and also for all those young at heart, open-minded and eager to learn. I speak six living languages and translate most of what I write. Born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal, where I took a university course in Languages and Literatures, I received a scholarship to study at the Goethe-Institut in Germany, and one for a scientific course with the Open University in the UK, and wound up living in many different countries around Europe. Now retired after a career that included working for NATO and as a translator for the U.S. Military, in addition to writing I enjoy travelling, gardening, and arts in general. I was awarded Honourable Mention at the 2013 Hollywood Book Festival, and several other literary prizes in Europe, including the 2013 London Book Festival. A few of my plays for children were performed in foreign countries. Please visit me at www.dulcerodrigues.info or at www.barry4kids.net.

  • Education
    • Science Foundation Course (UK), Modern Languages and Literatures (PT)