Elizabeth A. Pitts

Raleigh, NC

As a PhD student in NC State's Communication, Rhetoric and Digital Media program, I study technical communication and citizen participation in the governance of emerging technologies. In 2013, I was awarded an IGERT fellowship from the National Science Foundation to conduct collaborative interdisciplinary research on the interactions between genetic technologies and society. I also became one of the first students at NC State to join Duke University's PhD Lab in Digital Knowledge, a community of learners generating novel forms of pedagogy and scholarship in digital environments.

My academic research stems from a long-term interest in the accessibility of knowledge. Before enrolling at NC State, I served as a writer and speechwriter at the White House, the US Department of Education, and the Pew Charitable Trusts, and as an adjunct professor at University of Maryland University College.

I hold bachelor's and master's degrees in English from Georgetown University.