Emma Dawson

Youth Worker . Dancer . Artist . Listener . Adviser . Extrovert . Talented .

Justice .Hip Hop Culture .Visual Communication . People . Experiences .

"Be the Change you want to see in the World" - I try to live my life by this quote.

When I am passionate, there is no stopping me. I love to be involved in as many projects as possible. If the topic has something to do with any of the above, I am an exceptionally hard worker.

I am a Youth Worker employed at three organisations - all related to youth justice with a strong focus on increasing the empowerment of young disadvantaged people. I love the field of work in which I have chosen..for it chose me! All my jobs enable me to utilize my gifts and other interests within the setting. Being an extroverted person helps with working with young people as there is a lot of listening, understanding advocating and advising involved.

Being someone who has always been intrigued by the Hip Hop culture, has definitely helped with establishing my confidence and self esteem. I use this interest to relate to young people at work and to help other's realize their potential. It's so much more than a dance style - however that aspect will never be boring to me.

Working with young people is all about communication on all levels. Body language and visual communication are sometimes more effective than verbal. In saying that, I believe that verbal communication when speaking with anyone of any age is all about your TONE! There are ways to get a certain message across without sounding impolite and condescending if you use the correct tone.

If I was to describe myself in 3 words:

Emma = Enthusiastic, Extroverted, (fit in as many) Experiences (as possible)