
Grandmother and Musician in the United States

Hello! My name is Susie. The name "Emusedone" is derived from my time owning 14 Emus (big ostrich like flightless birds) and not liking them. This morphed into using Emus-one as my username because so much of life is amusing to me at times....Emusedone.

I've worked in the film and TV industry as a horse wrangler, trainer and stunt woman. Also worked in the state judicial department as a court law clerk and Judicial Assistant (please raise your right hand and repeat after me, I swear or affirm to tell the truth.....") I raised and trained quarter horses, competed in cutting and cow horse events, and had my own web design business.

I became disabled in early 2000's with autoimmune diseases and was forced to retired.

I love spending time with family, music, people, animals, outdoors.

Visit my YouTube Channel to watch my journey learning to play bass guitar videos at


and my Instagram at



  • Education
    • Oregon State University