Eric Fasci

General Manager RV Sales, Estate Sales, and Selling on eBay in Pennsylvania

Eric Fasci

General Manager RV Sales, Estate Sales, and Selling on eBay in Pennsylvania

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Eric Fasci - Born and raised in Los Angeles California.

Married to Monaliza Fasci

3 Daughters

Ariana Fasci, Celestina Fasci, Angelica Fasci

Military Veteran 1991 - 2000 US Army 11B10 Infantryman

AA Degree - San Bernardino Valley College

BS Degree - California Baptist University


“He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” - John 3:18

Men don't go to hell primarily because they lie, steal, or cheat. It’s much worse than that! Men go to hell because of unbelief. Unbelief is the major sin—the mother sin, the father sin, the sin out of which all other sins grow. It is the one sin that will damn you and send you to hell.

Unbelief is a terrible, horrible sin. It's never an intellectual matter; it's always a moral matter.

Can you think of any sin greater than to point the finger of unbelief at God and say, “You lie!” There is no greater sin than to aim the gun of unbelief at the Christ on the cross and refuse to receive Him.

Dr. Adrian Rogers

  • Education
    • California Baptist University, San Bernardino Valley College, Chapman University