Eric Saibel
Marin County, CA
I am the assistant principal of Hall Middle School in Larkspur, CA ; previously I was a high school assistant principal, Spanish teacher and coach for 16 years. Two questions drive my work: How can educators continuously learn and explore while shaping Education's future? How can we help every student connect their learning at school with the wider world?
School is not "practice" for the real world; what we learn, create and experience at school can make a difference in the world NOW.
School leaders have a vital role to play in creating schools that are hubs of innovation, including all aspects of the community in the change/growth process and actively building global networks. My blog focuses on this emerging model of educational leadership.
I am a co-founder of the Global School Play Day movement. Inspired by the TED talk on the Decline of Play by Dr. Peter Gray, we launched the inaugural #GSPD after only a month of planning and promotion via social media; 65,000 students participated worldwide. Our goal for 2016: one million students. Play is the original (and best) methodology for learning and creating!
I design and facilitate workshops on inclusive leadershipmodels and how to integrate education technology and social media in the classroom as vehicles for student creativity. I am a faculty member of the inaugural CUE Rock Star: Admin Hero's Journey.
I love to paint, write, ride any kind of bicycle, and be in the mountains.
"Attempt what is not certain" is from painter/sage Richard Diebenkorn; it's my daily meditation.