Eric Schorling

Web Developer, Software Engineer, and full stack developer in Charlottesville

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Operations Manager, Manufacturing Enthusiast, Fledgling Programmer.

I recently moved from Boulder, CO to Charlottesville, VA. This was a big move but one that I have looked forward to for the last few years. I am originally from Charlottesville and returning home to be near family and friends was a big driver of the move. I also found that I missed many things about living on the East Coast. Though, I am sure that I will not enjoy the return of high humidity to my life. I will miss Boulder and all of the outdoor activities that were so close.

Many people make a comparison between Charlottesville and Boulder and there are some noticeable similarities that match my interests. I love running and I have recently started running marathons. I am lucky to have a family and a girl friend who enjoy the same pursuit. Recently, the whole family ran in Cincinnati and five of us finished the marathon together.

I spent the last eight years working in consumer products manufacturing for a small business. I found it to be a challenging and rewarding experience. As a professional, it provided an incredible amount of experience. I was lucky enough to join at the right time and I moved up in the organization eventually reporting to the President as an Operations Manager. Producing a quality product in a timely fashion can be exhilarating in its challenges.

I am excited to be back in Charlottesville and excited to find a new career.

  • Work
    • Full Stack Web Developer
  • Education
    • MBA / MS - AI and Machine Learning
    • Regis University
    • CSU Global