Eric Johnson

technical lead/manager in Seattle, Washington

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Long(ish) time open-source hacker and enthusiast. A few notable things

* Lead a team of engineers at Google Cloud working on open source integrations

* Taught UNIX System Administration at a community college.

* Was the original author of the Arch Linux User Repositories (AUR) website (LAMP) and a former Arch Linux package maintainer.

* Veteran of the United States Navy.

* Was the Software Dev/Product Manager for Rackspace's Cloud Files and brought it to market.

* Worked at Microsoft and Azure for a short time.

* Was(?) addicted to WoW for much longer than I'll ever admit (but hey, it's a MUD with graphics)!

* If an editor doesn't support vi-keybindings, I don't use it. :wq

  • Work
    • google
  • Education
    • drexel university
    • rensselaer polytechnic institute