Esther Zyskina

School-goer, guitar-player, music-listener. food-eater. Female, 17 years old, Virgo, Jewish, Russian-speaking, English-speaking, Hebrew-speaking. Language-geek. Crazy poet. Constantly in love.

Complete optimist.

"Somewhere deep inside" I'm a rocker.

"I'm romantic, they say, but it's not quite that way" (c) ABBA "I Am An A"

I love music. I love writing and reading. I love travelling. I love my family and my friends. I hate being lonely.

"That's me, you see... Are you sure you wanna hear more?" (c) ABBA "That's Me"

"A child, dreamy-eyed, mother's mirror, father's pride" (c) Nightwish "Beauty Of The Beast"