Eva Zheng

Berkeley, CA

I enjoy hacking. I enjoy acting. And I enjoy learning.

I remember my first hackathon at Hollywood Hack Day where I barely had any previous coding experience. I walked in, found a table, a group of hackers, and so many talented and ready-to-help developer evangelists. Though sleep was nonexistant that night, I discovered a newfoundlove that allowed me to create things that is accessible all over the world -- websites, apps, games, you name it! This led me to major in Computer Science/Cognitive Science at UC Berkeley. I love doing side projects, and am now proudly working with Twilio Heroes.

Aside from the everlasting struggle to keep my to-do list at bay, I enjoy performing on stage and in films. A sweet escape into the shoes of someone from raw imagination and creativity. My current goal is to increase vulnerability, starting with my Hackathon community. Side hobby: Slam poetry.

  • Work
    • Twilio Hero
  • Education
    • UC Berkeley