eva balajadia

eva balajadia

Happily Married. No kids but, I am a doting MOM to my three dogs - Siga, Zeus, and Yobi.

I don't like plants but, I am a Botanist.

I graduated in PT but, I never practiced it. Though, I certified myself a Physical Torturess.

I am currently a Registered Nurse.

I am not an artist, but I love drawing.

I am not a writer, but I love to write.

I didn't know what a BLOG is until I created one.

I didn't know how to cook but, I owned a blog which I named, "MyCookbookProject." It was all about cooking for beginners and laughs at the kitchen. Later, I realized it was all laughs and less cooking. I renamed it "MyKitchenChores". After all, I am better at dishwashing and doing household chores.

I created "The Nurses' Locker Room" because I wanted to share my funny nursing experiences but, I ran out of stories to tell. Since I love taking down notes during college, maybe it's worth sharing them to the world.

Life is great. Enjoy every moment of it.

Learn as much as you can.

Love as much as you could love.

Live your life to the fullest.

Laugh more and die happy.