Shingo Omura

San Mateo, California, United States

more detailed profile on LinkedIn
my codes are on github

Practical Skills:Object-Oriented Design/Programming, Aspect-Oriented Programming, Sofware Patterns, Framework Design, Architecting of Enterprise Software and Enterprise Integrations. Coherent Specificaiton Design using lightweight formal methods and model verifications.

Fuluent Programming Lauguage: C, C+, Java, Scala, Haskell, Python, Javascript, php, perl, matlab(octave), R, Alloy.

Theoretical Skills:Effective Algorithm Design especially on Combinatorial Optimizations, Distributed and Parallel Systems, Graph algorithms, Machine Learning Algorithms.

Translated Books/Articles:

  • Typeclassopedia
  • Programming Scala, O'Reilly Japan, 2011. (co-translation)
  • ThoughtWorks Anthology: Essays on Software Technology and Innovation, O'Reilly Japan, 2008. (co-translation)
  • Work
    • OGIS International, Inc
  • Education
    • Nagoya Institute of Technology