Stan Faryna

Fairfax, Virginia


"The future is the 100 Billion Dollar Exit. Does your concept scale?!"

Faryna: The 100 Billion Dollar Exit is as challenging as a human-manned mission to Mars - just as unlikely and seemingly impossible. If you aren't working with that number, you don't have what it takes to be on the cover of TIME, Forbes or The Wall Street Journal - regardless of their poor editorial judgment.


"Curating content is a circus act. Curate people - if you want to keep any self-respect."

Faryna: That kind of insight chews like a tire, I know. And only a goat has the stomach for it. But that's how it is for social media.


"Design is about solving problems. It's about creating a two-way conversation that is relevant and full of story. It doesn't have to be deep. But it does have to use-able."

Faryna: Design work doesn't just happen by opening up photoshop or a sketch book. It requires trust, investment, inspiration, talent, and thinking. The worst design mistakes are a result of the client's lack of trust and/or investment.


"You can't automate culture and relationships. Process cannot substitute for motivated people. And technology itself can never be an agent of change or change leader."

Faryna: Innovation via technology is a path - not an off the shelf purchase. The investment always exceeds the IT cost - typically by double. IT budgets typically exceed themselves by a rate of 72% per six months of project timeline.


"There's something worse than a boss or manager. It's a thousand times more evil."

Faryna: Worse than the worst boss or manager that you could ever imagine is your customer. They don't have to work with you. They can walk away for any reason. They don't need you - if someone else can do what you do - better, faster and/or cheaper.


"Leadership is Love."

Faryna: The serving nature of our humanity, Love, is at the heart of leadership and authority. Do people see the Love in everything that you do? Do you help others dream bigger? Are you making the world a better place for all of us? Or just you?


"At the heart of the social web is none other than the caus