Fatemeh Khatibloo

Technology Ethicist in Oakland, CA

I'm part of Salesforce's Office of Ethical & Humane Use, where I'm currently Director of Responsible AI & Tech. My remit is to embed ethics into product design, development, and deployment.

I was formerly at Forrester Research, where I led research on privacy, digital identity, and technology ethics. My interests focus on enabling innovation while mitigating harm and protecting human and social wellness and dignity

As a queer, brown, white-presenting first-gen immigrant, I'm fascinated with all things anthropological (from genetics to social organization to technological interaction), and sometimes daydream about getting a master's in HCI.

I'm also obsessed with the entire cycle of culinary alchemy, from seed to kitchen.

"Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."

You can learn even more about me via those widgets down there.

  • Work
    • Salesforce