Forrest MacGregor

Forrest MacGregor

2013's contribution to the North Bennington VT Art Park portrays the abandoned man-made world being reclaimed by nature. Colorful, flame-painted cedar was assembled into brand new "ruins", not that different from every present-day in-process career.

We rush to build the latest and greatest and most important thing in our lives, only to see it fade away and be replaced by the next big thing. So many conversations at the water fountain gone silent. So many battles fought, won and lost. Once, it was important. Once, it handed out meaning and purpose.

In the end, it's all headed back to nature, like an abandoned theme park rusting in the sun and rain. We may mourn decay as much as we celebrated work, but nature is amoral and carefree and deaf to both. To nature, our tiny efforts are just another aspect of what's always gone on at the surface. Last year's work is this year's bounty for the beetles and grass.

"Was", N. Bennington Art Park, 2013 - F. MacGregor
wood, steel, approx 24"x40"x100"