Frank Meyer

Lauf a. d. Pegnitz

Well, in the first one or two years, I mainly created poop. But I early realized that I suffer from the creative itch. I always felt the urge to free my imagination and ideas from the prison of my mind and make them become real. Or at least materialize it in our threedimensional world, which seems to be somehow different. Either as modifications of light in form of color, art and graphics or as modifications of air, such as music and sound.

And I need to eat, drink and sleep. Therefore I have a job which supports these needs as good as possible. And I use the biggest part of my spare time to do the rest.

By day I'm a senior art director in an advertising agency.
By night I make music.

Still trying to figure out what is good for :-/

  • Work
    • Senior Art Director
  • Education
    • Abitur
    • A Levels
    • Lithographer