Shai Mishali

My name is Shai and I'm a 24 years old tech-enthusiast from Israel.

My main fields of work are Web Application development (PHP) and iOS Development, but I try to get my hands on anything interesting from Servers/Amazon Web Services and learning new languages and interests as I go.

I work for Dropico Mobile to create kickass iOS apps for the iPhotography world, And also work as a freelance for Avernus Studios and several other personal projects.

There is nothing I like more than gaining new knowledge and meeting new friends, so I always try to help as much as I can here in Stack Overflow with whatever knowledge i have.

I'm also a musician, and play mostly in metal acts. I play Guitar/Bass/Drums and am endorsed by Schecter Guitar Research, as well as producing several bands and singers, you can check out my bands GodWrath and Through Bleeding Eyes.

Feel free to add me on my Facebook or Twitter (less active) if you wanna chat, also check out my professional profiles at LinkedIn and StackOverflow Careers.