Ethan Yang

MALDI Imaging Guru and Decoder in Greater Boston, MA, USA

Ethan currently works as imaging applications scientist at Bruker Daltonics, where he employs his expertise in MALDI imaging to help potential clients understand the power of this technology in industry and academia.

He recently finished his postdoc at Johns Hopkins University under Prof. Kristine Glunde, where he worked on ways to combine traditional biomedical imaging with MALDI imaging.

Before this, he completed a PhD at the Université de Montréal in imaging mass spectrometry (IMS), a field in analytical chemistry. His thesis explored the effects of salts for MALDI-TOF IMS and demonstrated three situations where salt modification benefits the detection of typically less detected lipid molecules. This work was developed under Prof. Pierre Chaurand, a pioneer in IMS.

In his spare time, he cooks and dreams of positive changes he can influence should he win the lottery that he never buys.

  • Work
    • Imaging Applications Scientist
  • Education
    • Université de Montréal
    • McGill University
    • Johns Hopkins University