Gloria Martinez

Greater Bay Area,California

  • Native Californian,proud Latina, & loves all things of Beauty.Serving the Community at a Customer Satisfaction level.Enjoying my Mary Kay Business,and striving for Leadership. Sharing the Mary Kay Business Opportunity,in hopes to empower & enrich womens Lives. I am a Girly Girl, but at the same time I am a pretty tough cookie! I love shopping,especially for shoes. But I also enjoying roughing it, Camping is one of my favorites.I do have to say Cosmetics has always been my true calling. I am a perfectionist at heart,that's why I strive for excellence at every level. Please feel free to contact me, start something beautiful​ with Mary Kay Cosmetics @
  • Work
    • Mary Kay Cosmetics Indep.Senior Beauty Consultant
  • Education
    • MKU