Ganga Devi

Public Speaker, Teacher, and Life Coach in London, United Kingdom

Ganga Devi

Public Speaker, Teacher, and Life Coach in London, United Kingdom

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In all gentleness I am a spiritual warrior and I believe in following my heart and intuition. I respect tradition, but I am vigilant to skirt dogma and allow the spirit to blaze its own trail. The Divine must be found in one’s heart and for this to happen the mind and body have to open and become laboratories of enlightenment. I believe in accelerating our own evolution and I believe in the practices which can help us achieve that. When we truly commit to accelerate our own evolution the whole universe conspires to make it happen. I am here to serve the spirit and those who want to dedicate themselves to the awakening of their spirituality. I take yoga practice one step further and approach it in the way it was originally intended – to open our minds and hearts to great joy and bliss, our essential nature. And to this end I am ready to tread paths which may be unorthodox, but revealing consciousness in an ever expanding motion. I am true to myself and my teachers, I am true to my path and spirituality. The endeavour to realize who I am is the focal point of my life. I am here to realize God and help others realize and to this end I use the practices which have been passed on to me by my teachers whom I deeply love and revere.

  • Work
    • India
  • Education
    • Student of Life