Gary Lee

Gary Lee

Father of four and husband of one. And when not happily with them, I'm one of those crazy business guys working to change the world for the better.

Serial entrepreneur and marketer who has won some, and lost as well, which gives me the unique ability to understand and contribute to the world of startups, investors, board room dramas and the occasional hissy-fit, meltdown and rock-paper-scissors battles over clients, company and product strategies.

Student of all things related to agile methods for development, marketing and companies.Sometimes to learn, it’s best to fail fast & fail often while never making the same mistake twice, because it is only by iterating enough times that you finally know what works.

Big believer that decisions are made based on things learned outside the office through face-face visits with employees, customers, prospective customers and the market in general. Guess that's why I've flown almost 2M miles on Delta alone to work from my offices in London, Tel Aviv, Beijing, Shanghai, Paris and other stops all over the world.

Frustrated athlete in an aging body who still believes he will run another 1/2 marathon and possibly a full. Only runner he knows who was run over by a car and limped away from the experience. (car was totaled by the way)

Chief morale officer at, our family foundation working to make a difference and leave a trace through hands-on clean water projects in Peru, Africa and elsewhere. Loves watching his kids use their minds, hands and spirit to help others.

Former CEO, CMO, COO and other fancy titles which really sum up best by saying "loves to create, build, grow, lead and have fun along the journey." Currently Chief Solutions Officer at Stratix Corporation.

  • Work
    • President & CEO, InReality