Gary Levin
Ophthalmology, Consultant, and Doctor in Riverside, California
Gary Levin
Ophthalmology, Consultant, and Doctor in Riverside, California
I was educated at the University of Connecticut and GeorgeWashington University School of Medicine
I served in the U.S. Navyfrom 1969-1971 and practiced general medicine and emergency medicine from 1971-1973, then trained at Albany Medical Center.
I am retired from a career as an ophthalmologist. It was fulfilling to restore sight for many people.
In 2006 I became involved with a paradigm shift in health information technology, initiating the Inland Empire Health Information Exchange, and I continue to be engaged with telemedicine, remote monitoring, and other innovations made possible by artificial intelligence and digital devices. I advise health professionals to adopt digital systems to enhance their workflow
I am also actively researching and publishing articles relevant to public policy and watching for and watch efforts to counter cancel culture.
We are in an era where truth is false and misinformation predominants in the social media space.
My goal is to support thought leaders on innovation, technology, and public policy, and to advance a vision of medicine, not as it is but as it could be.
We seem to be well beyond the previous gateway to science fiction.
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