Gazelle Javantash

Project Manager in Alameda, California

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Operations and project manager specializing in consulting, event planning, and working with international and bilingual audiences.

Specialist in using technology to promote collaboration, administrative and operational efficiency, and data management. Detail-oriented multi-tasker who is interested in opportunities that support my passion and talent for coordinating events, providing excellent client service, helping to train and motivate staff, and utilizing innovative social media marketing techniques and technology tools to streamline and improve organizations.

Permanent Bay Area convert. Love music, politics, international affairs, tech, culture, art, social media, travel, trivia, Spain, Iran, and Tabasco sauce. Knowledge junkie who wants to make the world a better place. And to someday be on Jeopardy.

  • Education
    • Master of Int'l & Public Affairs, Organizational Mgmt, Columbia Univ.
    • B.A., Mass Communications, Spanish Lang. & Culture, UC Berkeley