Gemma Rubio Rodrigo

Marketing, Consultant, and communications in Madrid, Spain

Founder of Define The Fine.

Communication is my fuel, and behavior is my motto. I’m passionate about communication, marketing, and UX with more than 15 years of experience, and connecting people since I can remember.

I love creating and bringing ideas to life. As an optimist, I think about what is there and what is possible to do with it.

My main purpose is to help entrepreneurs and C-Level managers successfully achieve their goals in creating strong brands; helping them to improve their systems/procedures - web, online platforms, and apps, and developing efficient and effective operations by focusing on customers/user’s success, and branding.

I Help my customers to improve the way they communicate the values of their company and products or services with their clients/users.

I teach Fundamentals of marketing, Customers Experience, and Consumer Behavior at the Biotechnology Business Institute in Barcelona, and Neuromarketing at CEF in Madrid, both to master students.

I’m a member of the Interaction Design Foundation and Innovagogia. Co-creator of the EduEmer Cathedra at the Pablo Olavide University in Sevilla.

I’m also a member of “Google’s Women tech-makers community”, of “Mujeres líderes de las Americas”, of "Impulse4Women" and “Women In Tech”, associations which; stimulate the exchange of ideas, and support the ambition, leadership, and entrepreneurship of women, fostering diversity in companies and organizations.

Feel free to contact me!

  • Work
    • Define The Fine
  • Education
    • Master in Marteking
    • Communications
    • Interaction Design