Prof. Dr. Gernot Gehrke
Professor for Event-Management and -Marketing in Hannover, Deutschland
Prof. Dr. Gernot Gehrke
Professor for Event-Management and -Marketing in Hannover, Deutschland
Born and raised near Bremen. Worked as a freelance journalist for newspapers, radio and television (Kreiszeitung, Weser-Kurier, radio RST, Deutschlandfunk, Westdeutscher Rundfunk). Studied Communication Science, English and Political Sciences and doctorate at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Professional background: European Institute for the Media e.V. (Researcher), ecmc European Center for Media Competence GmbH (Managing Director). LfM Nova GmbH (Managing Director, Medienforum.NRW 2006-2012, Festival Grosses Fernsehen 2006-2013, Medienfest.NRW 2006-2013). Since 2014 professor for Management and Marketing in Event Industry at Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Certified as a Systemic Business Coach.