Chanel Glover

Athens, OH and Philadelphia, PA

I am a renegade lawyer who has the audacity to believe change from within the ‘system’ is a lost cause, and art as a tool for advocacy, or at least an avenue for dispelling stereotypes, is more effective. The core of my work explores what happens when people of color, particularly youth, have a dream stolen. Stolen by parents. Stolen by society. Stolen by a materially harmful stereotype… I hail from most American cities. Really. I have lived in too many places to name I would lose your interest, but most recently I have found dual residences in Athens, Ohio, where I am finishing up an MFA Playwriting degree, and Philadelphia, PA, where I am slowly and probably creepily infiltrating on the Philly theatre community. My full-length plays Black as the Dirt and They’re Not Rappers have received staged readings at Ohio University’s Seabury Quinn, Jr. Playwrights’ Festival in April 2013 and June 2012, respectively. My most famous quote and motto (in the eyes of the only one that matters: my brother): Trust the journey!

  • Work
    • Things that make you go, hmmm.
  • Education
    • Ohio University, Tulane Law School, Florida A and M University