The Golden Ribbon

Designer, Teacher, and Graphic Designer in Black River, Jamaica

The Golden Ribbon

Designer, Teacher, and Graphic Designer in Black River, Jamaica

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Hello my name is Phillip Taylor -> on the internet I'm known as the Golden Ribbon


"The heavens and earth bow to a will that will stake its very existence"

  • Teacher and Open Source Advocate
  • Infographics, Technical illustration
  • Determination and persistence in a cool way :)
  • Motion Graphics designer
  • Video Tutorial Creator

My Manifesto

I believe in the power of learning and truth, in discovering your own uncharted path. To walk it with no regrets and to hold true to your resolve in spite of the challenges.

This is what lead me to the world of open source design. In my country where stealing software is king. Software that was built off the hard work and sweat of developers , engineers and designers who put their life force into their creation. People whose efforts should be respected. Not everyone can afford the software however, so in a world where technology has such a huge stake in life affairs because of "want of need" they result to theft.

Our children grow up not knowing any better, and inherit a stealing mentality before they even know it. The noose these proprietary organizations hold on their software makes things even worse, as it makes learning how to do it yourself much harder. This is where open source shines a light.

In hidden places around the world special people have made software open and free for people to use. They may not have the support that proprietary software has, but if you are willing to learn from them and to bend your mind, you can achieve just as much.

But someone has to walk the uncharted waters, someone has to believe in the work of these nameless hero's and cross the seas. So I am resolute to be the best of what I can do, the open way. I will show people that they can be true to their resolve and conquer the challenge of life, The right way.

Check out my website and see my work and support the cause if you believe in my manifesto.

By The Golden Ribbon -> designing a new dawn

  • Education
    • Teacher in Information Technology and Mathematics