Harpreet Singh

Hello! Myself Harpreet Singh. I am honest, friendly, and hardworking guy. I was born in India and moved to the United States in 2005. After spending thirteen years in India, I moved to a country called country of opportunity. I knew that this would be my biggest hurdle I would have to over come. As a new in 8th grader in a place where Indians were rare, I felt as if I was invisible in the classroom. Being a novice in English, I was looked down by other students and was not well received. I sat quietly in class and tried not to look at anyone; yet, the others talked to each other while watching me and started to laugh. I can still hear that evil laugh. I could still remember the times when the teacher used ask, Who doesn't have a partner and I would be the only one to raise my hand. I was often upset, feeling that there would be no light at the end of the tunnel. However, I continued walking through the tunnel, knowing that light will finally be visible. As the second semester approached, my communication skills slowly started to improve. As a result of this progress, I started to enjoy the ability to converse with my classmates. Soon, I made more friends and noticed that I actually enjoyed my school life. The doors finally opened for me, but it took effort. Life was complicated during the transition stage when I was learning to accustom myself to a new language, culture, and customs. I love watching basketball, football, soccer or anything which can entertains me. My favorite Basketball team is Los Angles Lakers. I love going out with friends. I graduated from CSU Stanislaus in fall 2014, studied dual concentration Accounting/Finance. I am happy and thankful to my parents and god for given me this much.

  • Education
    • CSU Stanislaus