
Unuted State

The team tracked 8,500 couples who planned on putting the world sons or daughters. It turned out that men over twenty-four years mostly failed to conceive a child less than one year, problems at hand, health women were excluded.

The conclusion is as follows: thirty-five male has roughly half the chances to conceive a child within one year, compared with its twenty-four "colleague".

This is important news because couples in the United States and other developed countries postpone parenthood until later and more often then just face the fact that they can not even conceive a child.

Similar studies were carried out before, but focused mainly on the quality of sperm in men who are still deteriorating. In other words - not a woman, but a man is the more delicate pair of half a striving for parenthood.

Increasingly, shows that for the infertility problem may be men, not women

Smart men have better sperm

The fact that the clever men are simply sexy, do not argue at all. Besides interesting topics for conversation and forward-looking approach to life has an intelligent man in the hole is primed several wild cards.

Clever men are not only sexy, but also have better sperm.
We all mercenaries

Men who know how to fully utilize your brain does not usually tend to be more best diet women successful and financially secure.

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