Yongtao HU (Tommy)

research in Hong Kong

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I'm currently a Research Scientist at Xim Industry Inc., a start-up dedicating in mobile VR input solution and mobile visual computing technology.

Before joining Xim, I worked as a Staff Researcher at Image & Visual Computing Lab (IVCL) of Lenovo (Hong Kong) during 01/2015 - 10/2015. I also took an internship at IVCL during 07/2014 - 11/2014 and as a research intern at Internet Graphics Group of Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) during 03/2010 - 06/2010.

I hold a Ph.D. degree of Computer Science obtained from The University of Hong Kong in 2014, during which I worked at the Computer Graphics Group under the supervision of Prof. Wenping Wang. I also hold a B.S. degree of Computer Science obtained from Shandong University in 2010.