Heather Godfrey

Santa Monica, CA

Heather is the founder of 'Inspired Living' where she works one-on-one with clients to co-create their ideal lives. By using her professional training and experience in design and coaching, she is able to help her clients build their surroundings to reflect their inner being. What makes Heather different is that it's not just about design and creating a beautiful space... It's about having your surroundings reflect who you are within. In order to determine how you want your outer world, Heather helps you tap into who you are at your core. She guides you towards balance, flow & harmony in order to achieve ideal integration in your life.

Heather has combined all of her experiences to create a signature holistic approach to cultivate the life of your dreams. Inspired Living's mission statement is "To design and co-create your outer world to reflect the beauty of your inner world." Heather's intention is to spread this message from one soul... to one home... to one community... to one world.

"The outer world is just a reflection of your inner world. " - Deepak Chopra